size = 100 [VOORNAAM] type = text
size = 100 [MEISJESNAAM] type = text
size = 100 [GESLACHT] type = text
size = 5
label = M of V [gebdatum] type = text
size = 100 [geb jaar] type = text
size = 100 [geboorteplaats] type = text
size = 100 [echtg/wed van] type = text
size = 100 [Overlijdensdatum] type = text
size = 100 [leeftijd] type = text
size = 100 [DOCUMENT] type = text
size = 15 [AANVULLING] type = text
size = 200 [GEGEVENS] type = textarea
rows = 4
cols = 40
tinyMCE = true [NADEREGEGEVENS] type = textarea
rows = 4
cols = 40
tinyMCE = true [INLAGENUMMER] type = text
size = 5 [GRAFBESCHRIJVINGeXTRA] type = text
size = 400
label = Grafbeschrijving aanwezig? N of J: zie toelichting [OPMERKING] type = textarea
rows = 4
cols = 40
tinyMCE = true [BRON] type = text
size = 100
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